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Can you even believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow?!?  Time flies when we are having so much fun, right?  I know it doesn’t seem like it during the busy seasons, but we truly have  much to be thankful for.  Take time to give thanks for all that we have.

I don’t know about you, but this time of year I really get lost in all of the things that I have to do. Order groceries, thaw the turkey, finish projects with my kids for school, make sure guests feel welcome, make sure loose ends are wrapped up…Many things I do seem to go unnoticed and I start asking “Whatever happened to the “thanks” in Thanksgiving?”

Let’s be honest, as women, we don’t hear the gratitude that we deserve as often as we should. So how can we even consider the “thanks” this year when we are entirely forgotten in some cases?

The first thing that I consider is this: Do I offer “thanks” first? How many times a day am I offering that word to clerks, friends, family, and coworkers? If I have not modeled a thankful heart, would I know how to receive it? Then the second thing is this: Do I really care if I have it? Hearing thanks can be nice, but isn’t the fact that I know that I have done my duty as a great “whatever role here” thanks enough in my own mind? I am not necessarily owed anything, now am I? It is great to hear appreciation, but I need to offer it and appreciate the opportunity to serve others first. So is there “thanks” in Thanksgiving? A resounding “yes!” I thank myself every day for that opportunity. It is so important for us to take time and give thanks for all we have.

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